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ppThis will toggle on/off the pausing of nexSys
ttUsed to set your target both in nexSys and Achaea tt khaseem
defupActivate all defenses handled by nexSys and configured via the ns config menu
maToggles upkeep of the mass defence
brToggles upkeep of the breathing defence
ssToggles upkeep of the rebounding defence
clToggles upkeep of the cloak defence (I never use this)
p<limb>Used for intelligent parry swapping. prl for "parry right leg", ptt for "parry torso", ph for parry head, etc
block <dir>Block the specified direction. This will add blocking the direction as an upkeep defence and attempt to maintain blocking in that direction.
ub"Unblock" toggles off the blocking defence
inra"In rift all" will (shocker) in rift all riftables
qpqp <command(s)> "Queue prepend" to prepend a command or series of commands to your main queue.
qaqa <command(s)> "Queue Add" to addclear a command or series of commands to your main queue.
qcpqcp <command(s)> "Queue prepend" to prepend a command or series of commands to your class queue.
dordor <command(s)> "Do repeat" to repeat a command or series of commands. dor alone will clear and toggle off the repeating function.

nexSys.sys.wielded(<optional: side>)