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nexSys relies on eventStream as the backend event handler. nexSys provides a variety of events that users may tap into for their own packages and uses.

Events List

Here's a table of our events:

Event NameDescription
AffGotAny affliction is gained
AffLostAny affliction is lost
<affliction>GotAffEventSpecific affliction is gained
<affliction>LostAffEventSpecific affliction is lost
DefGotA defense is gained
DefLostA defense is lost
<defence>GotDefEventSpecific defense is gained
<defence>LostDefEventSpecific defense is lost
BalanceGotBalance has been regained
BalanceLostBalance has been lost
<balance>GotBalEventSpecific balance state has been regained
<balance>LostBalEventSpecific balance state has been lost
eqBalRecoveredEventBoth Balance and Equilibrium have returned
SystemPausednexSys system is paused
SystemUnpausednexSys system is unpaused
SystemSlowModeOnnexSys system slow mode is enabled
SystemSlowModeOffnexSys system slow mode is disabled
PromptEventNew prompt is received
RoomChangedEventThe player has moved to a different room
ItemAddedToRoomAn item has been added to the current room
ItemAddedToInvAn item has been added to the inventory
ItemRemovedFromRoomAn item has been removed from the current room
ItemRemoveFromInvAn item has been removed from the inventory
ItemUpdatedRoomAn item in the room has been updated
ItemUpdatedInvAn item in the inventory has been updated
ItemListForRoomThe list of items in the current room has been updated
ItemListForInvThe list of items in the inventory has been updated
TargetSetEventA new target has been set
TargetChangedThe current target has been changed
ClassChangedThe player’s class has changed
HealthUpdatedThe player’s health has been updated
ManaUpdatedThe player’s mana has been updated
RageUpdatedThe player’s rage has been updated


Description: Triggered when any affliction is gained by the player.

Returns: nexSys Aff object, containing detailed information about the affliction.


const example = function (args) {
if ( === "aeon") {
nexusclient.display_notice("I guess this is the end");
eventStream.registerEvent("AffGot", example);


Description: Triggered when any affliction is lost by the player.

Returns: nexSys Aff object, containing detailed information about the lost affliction.


Description: Triggered when a specific affliction is gained by the player. Replace <affliction> with the actual affliction name.

Returns: Specific nexSys Aff object for the gained affliction.


const example = function (args) {
nexusclient.display_notice("I guess this is the end");
eventStream.registerEvent("aeonGotAffEvent", example);


Description: Triggered when a specific affliction is lost by the player. Replace <affliction> with the actual affliction name.

Returns: Specific nexSys Aff object for the lost affliction.


const example = function (args) {
nexusclient.display_notice("I'm alive! Or maybe I'm dead...");
eventStream.registerEvent("aeonLostAffEvent", example);


Description: Triggered when any defense is gained by the player.

Returns: nexSys Def object, detailing the gained defense.


Description: Triggered when any defense is lost by the player.

Returns: nexSys Def object, detailing the lost defense.


Description: Triggered when a specific defense is gained by the player. Replace <defence> with the actual defense name.

Returns: Specific nexSys Def object for the gained defense.


const example = function () {
eventStream.registerEvent("prismaticGotDefEvent", example);


Description: Triggered when a specific defense is lost by the player. Replace <defence> with the actual defense name.

Returns: Specific nexSys Def object for the lost defense.


const example = function () {
eventStream.registerEvent("prismaticLostDefEvent", example);


Description: Triggered when balance is regained by the player.

Returns: Boolean value indicating the new balance state.


Description: Triggered when balance is lost by the player.

Returns: Boolean value indicating the lost balance state.


Description: Triggered when a specific balance state is regained by the player. Replace <balance> with the actual balance type.

Returns: Boolean or specific balance state object, depending on the balance type.


Description: Triggered when a specific balance state is lost by the player. Replace <balance> with the actual balance type.

Returns: Boolean or specific balance state object, depending on the balance type.


Description: Triggered when both balance and equilibrium have returned to the player.

Returns: Object indicating that both balance and equilibrium are recovered.


Description: Triggered when the nexSys system is paused.

Returns: Boolean indicating the system's paused state.


Description: Triggered when the nexSys system is unpaused.

Returns: Boolean indicating the system's unpaused state.


Description: Triggered when the nexSys system slow mode is enabled.

Returns: Boolean indicating that slow mode is active.


Description: Triggered when the nexSys system slow mode is disabled.

Returns: Boolean indicating that slow mode is inactive.


Description: Triggered when a new prompt is received. Similar to the Nexus onBlock function.

Returns: Object containing the details of the new prompt.


Description: Triggered when the player has moved to a different room.

Returns: GMCP Room.Info object containing information about the new room, such as room ID and description.


Description: Triggered when an item has been added to the current room.

Returns: GMCP item object with details of the added item.


Description: Triggered when an item has been added to the inventory.

Returns: GMCP item object with details of the added item.


Description: Triggered when an item has been removed from the current room.

Returns: GMCP item object with details of the removed item.


Description: Triggered when an item has been removed from the inventory.

Returns: GMCP item object with details of the removed item.

Example: ItemRemovedFromInv Example


Description: Triggered when an item in the room has been updated.

Returns: GMCP item object with updated details of the item.


Description: Triggered when an item in the inventory has been updated.

Returns: GMCP item object with updated details of the item.


Description: Triggered when the list of items in the current room has been updated.

Returns: Array of GMCP item objects, representing the updated list of items.


Description: Triggered when the list of items in the inventory has been updated.

Returns: Array of GMCP item objects, representing the updated inventory.


Description: Triggered when a new target is set.

Returns: String value of the new (current) target.


Description: Triggered when the current target has been changed.

Returns: String value of the new (current) target.


Description: Triggered when the player's class changes.

Returns: Object detailing the old and new class names.

old: string,
new: string


Description: Event is raised any time the player's health value changes.

Returns: Object with health details.

max: int,
current: int,
diff: int


const example = function (args) {
if (args.max / args.current < 0.5) {
nexusclient.send_commands("touch crystal|pt save me!");
eventStream.registerEvent("HealthUpdated", example);


Description: Event is raised any time the player's mana value changes.

Returns: Object with mana details.

max: int,
current: int,
diff: int


Description: Event is raised any time the player's rage value changes.

Returns: Object with Rage details.

max: int,
current: int,
diff: int